
Implements multidimensional rectangular arrays.

Something like FORTRAN's one.


this(size_t[n] lengths)
Undocumented in source.
this(T[] data, size_t[n] lengths)
Undocumented in source.



alias dimensions = n

Dimensions of this array.


int opApply(int delegate(RepeatTuple!(n, size_t), ref T) dg)

Implements by-element iteration with inidces starting from the top dimension.

size_t opDollar()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
ref opIndex(size_t[n] indices)
auto opIndex(A args)
auto opIndexAssign(U value, A args)


R opSlice(size_t from, size_t to)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
MultidimArray opSliceAssign(T value)
MultidimArray opSliceAssign(Range value)
MultidimArray opSliceAssign(MultidimArray!(U, n) value)

Implements elements initialisation with a value, where value can be of type T or an input range which front can be assigned to an element. The range should contain exectly elements elements, otherwise an Exception will be thrown.

auto reorderIndices(size_t[n] newOrder)

Creates a slice of this entire array with reordered indices. newOrder[i] = n means that i-th index of a resulting array will behave like n-th index of the original array. Every index sould be used once, otherwise an Exception will be thrown.

string toString()

Conversion to string function for debugging purposes.


byElementForward [@property getter]

Returns a forward range which has mutable elements and a length for iteration by an element.

byElementRandomAccess [@property getter]

Returns a finite random-access range which has mutable elements and a length for iteration by an element.

auto byFunction [@property getter]

Returns a forward range which has mutable elements for iteration using indices defined by pred starting from a = 0 and incrementing it while indices are in valid range.

byTopDimension [@property getter]

Returns a finite random-access range for iteration over the top dimension. It has mutable elements iff dimensions is 1.

dup [@property getter]

Support for dup and idup properties for MultidimArray.

size_t elements [@property getter]

Returns the elements count of the array.

idup [@property getter]

Support for dup and idup properties for MultidimArray.

const(size_t)[n] lengths [@property getter]

Returns the read only view at its lengths array.

size_t packedDimensions [@property getter]

Returns the maximum number of tail dimensions without pading. Note, that there can be no such dimensions.


	// Let's creates an GC allocated three-dimensional rectangular array from 2 matrices 3x4
	auto matrices = multidimArray!int(2, 3, 4); // matrices has a type MultidimArray!(int, 3)

	// Setting an element at intersection of the first column and
	// the third row of the secon matrix to seven:
	matrices[1, 0, 2] = 7;

	// Filling the whole first column of the secon matrix with sixes:
	matrices[1, 0, 0..$][] = 6;

	// Filling the whole array with fives:
	matrices[] = 5;

	// Iterating the array
	foreach(z, y, x, ref el; matrices) // using opApply
		el = cast(int) (z * 100 + y * 10 + x);

	int c = 0;
	foreach(ref el; matrices.byElementForward)
		el = c++;

	c = 0;
	foreach(i; 0 .. matrices.elements)
		matrices.byElementRandomAccess[i] = c++;

	c = 0;
	foreach(matrix; matrices.byTopDimension)       // for each of two matrices
		foreach(row; matrix.byTopDimension)        // for each row
			foreach(ref el; row.byTopDimension) // for each element
				el = c++;

	c = 0;
	foreach_reverse(ref el; matrices.byElementRandomAccess)
		el = c++;

	c = 0;
	foreach_reverse(i; 0 .. matrices.elements)
		matrices.byElementRandomAccess[i] = c++;

	// Inexing/slicing
	// * use <integer> to select a position
	// * use <integer> .. <integer> to select a range
	// E.g. use 0..$  to select the whole range
	matrices = matrices[0..$, 0..$, 0..$];  // the entire array, same as [0..2, 0..3, 0..4]
	auto array2d = matrices[0, 0..$, 0..$]; // the first matrix
	auto array1d = matrices[0, 1, 0..$];  // the second row of the first matrix
	array1d = matrices[0, 0..$, 1];       // the second column of the first matrix
	matrices[0, 1, 1] = 9;                // setting an element at a crossing of the row an the column

	// first two rows and three columns of the secon matrix
	array2d = matrices[1, 0 .. 2, 0 .. 3
